Developing a sustainability strategy for a non-profit organisation

Mission and impacts

  • Evaluating the sustainability performance of the institute, from the identification of relevant indicators to data collection and analysis;
  • Carrying out a materiality analysis to identify priorities;
  • Developing a sustainability strategy through a collaborative process involving the management team and employees;
  • Developing an implementation plan for the strategy;
  • Designing and running communication campaigns (awareness campaigns, newsletters, did-you-know series, quizzes);
  • Employee engagement: development of idea boxes, organisation of events (Cycle or Walk to IASS challenge, Sustainability Photography Contest).


Keywords: Non-profit, think-tank, sustainability strategy, CSR, sustainability assessment, communication



From top to bottom: IASS Photography contest logo, Cycle or Walk to IASS challenge logo, Employee commuting survey 2016 poster. ©IASS/Soline Bonnel


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